Greetings from Moscow, Idaho

This veranda of my friend’s house in Moscow, Idaho is one of my favourite places in the world. Definitive!

I love this view over the soft hills so much. I could stay here all days.

And I also love the wonderful garden with flowers, vegetables, and most of all the chicken strolling along.

A new morning starts

IMG_20160825_053150In the morning we were using the kitchen as our working space 😉

IMG_20160825_131003… and afterwards relax on the veranda.


Some impressions from a walk around the house to share with you.

First we did some shopping in Moscow-City.

On Saturday morning we’ve been to the farmer’s market in town. It was quite amazing and so colourful. So many fruits and vegetables, various types of plums and peaches to taste.  And there was some fancy handcrafted stuff too. 

In the afternoon we had a walk through a redwood forest area, visiting the elk river falls.

And then there was this wonderful coloured evening sight over the hills.

Lädt hoch…

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